From The Garden

The Garden of Common Ground

Where compassion, ritual, and healing intersect.

WELCOME to the Garden of Common Ground! My name is Misty and I have been meandering along the path of self-healing for many years. Embarking upon this journey has led to creating this website, designing and growing my personal healing garden in addition to opening my own sound healing studio. All of these three things are so intertwined, yet each has a component of being separate from the others.  

Sounds just like our mind/body/spirit energy – right? All separate, yet one.  

I believe that every person dances through life with their own unique rhythm, or frequency. No two souls share the same journey. Every frequency of light and sound that we radiate creates the song of Earth, the song of the Universe – the song of LIFE. Our frequency signature combined with the frequency signatures of other living beings is creating a cosmic symphony!

I love to help people:

  • ILLUMINATE their inner healer
  • TRANSFORM their energy using compassion, sound healing and lessons in nature
  • BLOOM into the highest frequencies of light and sound that are optimal for their unique frequency signature

Please peek into the Garden Page to see beautiful photos of nature that have symbolic significance in my own that have guided me upon my journey. This is also where I blog about the lessons that nature has taught me.

Visit the Sound Studio Page where some of the heartfelt lessons I’m learning in nature are brought indoors are expressed through the tones of my beautiful Crystal Tones Singing Bowls, chimes, gongs and other instruments. The studio was created as a space to bathe in sound healing frequencies. You can find information about sound healing, reiki, numerology, sacred geometry and all things that, in my experience, contribute to harmonizing with optimal frequencies to create a healthier life.

Last, but not least, check out my Event Page to attend an upcoming event or schedule a private session with me. Thanks for visiting my website!

Welcome to My Garden

I have found a magical place in working with the land and hearing the way spirit and nature speaks to me. I hope my journey can inspire you.

Event Schedule

Sound Sessions

Discover the amazing healing benefits of sound.

Listening to crystal singing bowl music creates a binaural beat that synchronizes with the natural vibrations within our crystalline structure to create the ultimate relaxing, harmonizing effect on our psyche.